Instruction for FRDS Placement
Once you have clicked the eye and placed your home address in the google maps (your address here)
Proceed to the bottom left of the screen and make sure you are on satellite view.
Next, locate your property and zoom in to find your property line of where your fire safety will begin.
Find your starting point and drop a pin by clicking the LEFT button on your mouse.
From that first pin, RIGHT click the mouse to bring up the menu and select measurements.
Proceed to place/drag your arrow/hand to the next placement that will measure 55 feet.
Left click the mouse and drop the pin at the 55 foot mark.
Depending on how many Fire-Retardant Distribution Systems you want or need continue to place a pin every 55 feet from the pins.
Example: First pin dropped. Second pin drop at 55 feet. Third pin will be placed at 55x2=110 feet.
Fourth pin place at 55x3=165 feet. Fifth pin place at 55x4= 220 feet, etc..